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Showing posts from February, 2012

Mondavi Winery

Mondavi Winery, 11" x 14", Acrylic on canvas I recently completed a commissioned painting of the Mondavi Winery located in Napa Valley, California. The person who commissioned this piece gave it as a gift to her son to commemorate his wedding anniversary. Photo's were mailed to me, and I supplemented them with research I conducted to better understand the layout of the facility. The Mondavi Winery is one I've visited with my family, but it's been several years since I was there. Working on this painting brought back some fond memories. Below are some of the ARTifacts related to creating this composition. The challenge for me was to provide enough of the architecture to sufficiently describe the buildings. Although it was difficult to clearly decipher the architecture from the snapshots provided by the client, a little research resulted in enough references that I was able to create a decent representation. Folks that have visited the winery...