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Recent Experiments - Digital Paintings

Recently, I've been experimenting with using digital tools to develop quick abstract compositions. These compositions are really meant to provide a space within which I can test color schemes for large paintings. I've been creating small drawings over the last few years with the idea that they will ultimately be translated onto big canvases and even sculpture.
Sketchbook drawing
I might have over a hundred of these sketches that are explorations of line, shape and form.

Many of these are related to the figure in some way, even though I begin each one without an idea of what the resulting image will be. Rather, I begin with a line or shape that interests me and build upon that to develop a balance of positive and negative space and movement. Suggestions of a figure, or figures, often emerge unintentionally. As a composition grows, the figure, or simply parts of a figure might suggest themselves. Mostly, I'm interested in creating interesting shapes that are related to each other within the plane of the image, striking a pleasing balance while at the same time creating tension that evokes a feeling of movement.

The bottom image is an example of a painting on paper completed a few years ago. You can see the relationship of that composition to these more recent images that make use of larger forms instead of the conglomeration of smaller shapes. The color treatment makes use of layered, textural application,
Amalgam, Acrylic on Paper, 18 x 24
which is similar to what I'm utilizing in the digital experiments.

The digital approach to painting is not new, but for me it has been legitimized by David Hockney who has been prolific in his output of digital work using computer, iPhone and iPad. If you haven't seen any of his work, you really need to check it out. 


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